
Creativeblox Kickoff Meeting Questionnaire

1. What are the specific objectives we need to achieve?

2. What are 3 words that should come to mind when the audience sees the (logo/brochure/ad/website)?

3. What action do we want the audience to take after seeing the (logo/brochure/ad/website)?

4. How does this project fit into the (organization/company/group)’s big picture marketing/communication business goals?

5. Does this project need to match any of your existing packaging or graphic systems such as web sites, marketing collateral, stationery?

6. Who is your target market?

7. What specifically is appealing to them about your (organization/company/group)?

8. Who are your 3 main competitors?

9. What does your (organization/company/group) offer that they do not?

10. How does a prospective client/customer find you?

11. What else do they see when they are looking for you?

12. What are the project deadlines? (Tadalafil) (Specifically where and when.)

13. Who will the main decision-maker be on this project? Is he/she available during approval phases of the project?

14. Where is the project content (text, images, drawings) coming from?

15. Will any images need retouching? Are they of adequate resolution? YES NO NOT SURE

16. What research has already been done?

17. How will you measure the success of this project?

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NOTE: Need to download and install Adobe Acrobat Reader to be able to fill up the PDF form.

Rick Fernandez
Rick Fernandez