In every form of profession there is always set of norms and conduct to follow- one that is referred to as professional ethics. It is to manage employee’s behavior in completing various business functions. (Valium) In the profession of graphic design as well, Code of Ethics is existing to establish what constitutes ‘fair play’. It is intended to provide protection for both designers and clients from unethical business practices and the havoc that can be caused by ignorance.
Milton Glaser an American graphic designer said “bending the truth can be a slippery slope for graphic designers.” He wrote (12) Steps on the Graphic Designer’s Road to Hell which consists of choices and graphic designs that he believes would leave him corrupted due to making designs that are irresponsible to the public.
- Designing a package to look bigger on the shelf.
- Designing an ad for a slow, boring film to make it seem like a lighthearted comedy.
- Designing a crest for a new vineyard to suggest that it has been in business for a long time.
- Designing a jacket for a book whose sexual content you find personally repellent.
- Designing a medal using steel from the World Trade Center to be sold as a profit-making souvenir of September 11.
- Designing an advertising campaign for a company with a history of known discrimination in minority hiring.
- Designing a package aimed at children for a cereal whose contents you know are low in nutritional value and high in sugar.
- Designing a line of T-shirts for a manufacturer that employs child labor.
- Designing a promotion for a diet product that you know doesn’t work.
10. Designing an ad for a political candidate whose policies you believe would be harmful to the general public.
11. Designing a brochure for an SUV that flips over frequently in emergency conditions and is known to have killed 150 people.
12. Designing an ad for a product whose frequent use could result in the user’s death.